Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Live life without regret

We have all done things in our past that we might not be especially proud of, myself included. Whilst I haven't taken to drugs or heavy-drinking I'm not about to condemn those that have or still do. There is little point, what's done is done and I don't want to try and explain the problems caused by trying to go back in time (causality loop anyone?).

I have talked previously about the dangers of forgetting the past, such as the World Wars. Life moves forward at an ever-increasing pace and it is just as important to know where we have come from as to where we are going.

Dwelling on past mistakes is not helpful; learning from such mistakes means that they hopefully never be repeated. I am not so egotistical to think that I have never made a mistake, I make at least one every day, but I would like to think that I realise that I have and try to correct it.

To err is to be human. In the end, isn't it more important to live than to regret?


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