Friday, September 29, 2006

Come on! Stop trying to hit me and hit me!

It's like getting reacquainted an old friend. Whilst it might not feature that highly on the list of Greatest Films Ever...! (TM), it is iconic to me personally. The Matrix has been responsible for several notable lines including the one above as well as this:

Morpheus: ... there's a difference between knowing the path and walking the path.

Just a film? Maybe. To me, it shows the power of belief and what you can really do if you put your mind to it. Life is what I make it and no one is going to decide it for me. A form of escapism? A means of leaving the ordinary and mundane 'real' world? Most likely.

Never give up on your dreams. Don't ever try to do something, do it.

Yoda: No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try.

Always remeber; your friends will stand by your side no matter what you do or what you become. They do not deserve the title of friend if they consider you any less.

for shinelle; for being a friend when I needed it most,

Thursday, September 28, 2006

The requisite fuzzy self-portrait photo

Yes folks, it's that time in this bloggers life to start adding some dodgy photos. Of course beginning with one's self. Not exactly the best, but perhaps the most recent photo. Being taken by myself it is of course slightly fuzzy. Ah well.

Till next time,


Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Who will stand?

When the dust has settled, after eveything is said and done
Who will stand up for what is right and just?
Who will fight the creeping darkness and evil powers in this world?

I will,
alone if that is what fate decides.
God help anyone who stands in my way.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

You want to do what? With a what? Don't ask me!

As I have been asked if I would take over the running of a local club website, I thought it best to see what the current situation is. Initial signs looked promising. Neatly laid out with nothing too fancy such as Macromedia Flash buttons or a Java-based menu system.

Oh dear. Some code is showing at the top of the screen. Ah well that won't take too long to fix, must just be a simple coding error.

*Click* You want me to open a .aspx file? What the bloody hell is one of those?

I would love to explain more about the site, I really would. Only my system doesn't know how to handle .aspx files. _I_ know what they are; an extension on .asp (Active Server Pages). It's just Firefox doesn't.

The designer probably had some very good reasons for creating the web site in this fashion. Utilising newer technology is wonderful but you don't need to use a cannon to squash a fly. Kudos to any reader who knows where that quote came from. With the increasing growth in web browsers other than Internet Explorer and even, god-forbid, other operating systems, it is high time that web site creators ensure that their master piece functions as it should.

(They are called 'Standards' for a reason!)



Sunday, September 03, 2006

"Bond, James Bond" or The Importance of Films

No, not I. Only with a miracle and change of hair colour could that be me. To many, the character of James Bond is an idol to be worshipped. Men want to be him and woman simply want him.

With the up-coming release of 'Casino Royale' in November the media circus has begun to grind. It should not be a debate as to whether Daniel Craig is going to be a good or bad actor at playing Bond but more of an opportunity to see what the character of Bond does best; stop the bad guys and save the girl.

Suave, smooth and with impeccable style. Pithy one-liners, stunning action sequences and amazing gadgets from Q-branch. These are the essential ingredients to a Bond film. The actual plot may not make the best sense and the one-liners can be more than a little cheesy, but that is not why we go to watch Bond. We watch to escape from the real world, even if it's only for a little while.

Films have given us some truly unforgettable moments. We have seen stories unfold in galaxies far, far away. We have been there and back again in the company of elves and men. We have stood in the line-up of usual suspects, watched a hacker dodge bullets and seen the underdog battle against insurmountable odds to win through. How many of you have seen the last ride of Theodin and not bitten back a cheer in your throat as the Rohirrim crash into the orc lines?

Whilst these lines are do not appear (at least I don't remember them appearing) in the book, I leave you with the words of Gimli at the battle before the Black Gate in Return of the King. Friends are the most important posession you can have, do not turn them away for any thing.

: Never thought I'd die fighting side by side with an Elf.
Legolas: What about side by side with a friend?
Gimli: Aye. I could do that.

fare thee well,